Our Approach


Whether your a parent or a professional, we hope that our work provides you with an opportunity to reflect, grow, and learn more about yourself, especially in relation to the children in your life.  We purposely created a simplistic and tangible approach.  

We love our work.  We love when parents learn and grow, and gain confidence in themselves.  It is rewarding for us to watch families open themselves to new ways of learning and practice. 




Robin and Jacqueline have combined over 35 years working with professionals and parents clinically and have provided over 300 training sessions both locally and nationally on a wide array of topics relating to parenting strategies and raising resilient children through goal directed parenting.  Their approach to purposeful parenting has helped hundreds of parents develop plans that are unique to their families, as well as gain confidence in their parenting strategies and help raise healthy and successful young people.

At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of the parents.

— Jane D. Hull