Successful Parenting Workbook
First in a series of workbooks designed to train and encourage parents, educators and coaches on strategies that work with children and teens through focus on self-reflection, communication, values and skill building.
Successful Parenting Podcast
Where we Jacqueline Rhew and Robin Choquette share practical skills for families to build resilience and healthy connections. As practicing professionals and parents ourselves, we hope this podcast is a resource for parents to reflect, grow and learn more about themselves and their children. Our approach is simple, tangible and most importantly we lead with compassion for the Integrity of the families we serve. or scan the code
Features with Jacqueline Rhew
Deciding when and how to give your child a cellphone
When is the right time to get your child his or her own cellphone? The answer is different for every child, and the decision does not end with buying the phone and handing it over to the child.
To prepare kids for overnight camp be supportive, but also be realistic
Overnight camp is a time-honored tradition. Generations of children recall the experience as among the best of their childhoods. But it also can be anxiety-producing, especially for children who …
Jacqueline Rhew offers parents common sense advice about how to assess and treat teen anxiety. (Stacey Wescott/Chicago Tribune)
Teen anxiety is at an all-time high, and arming kids with healthy coping strategies is more important than ever. Co-founder, Jackie Rhew shares simple tips in this video with the Chicago Tribune on how you can help your child cope.
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Free Resources
Parenting with Purpose Infographic
Parenting Strategies to Support School Engagement in English and Spanish